"Own our own time" and "Uplift", two artprojects that deal with issues of time associated with human pace. The project also includes questions about tradition and development, the participants' own stories and about attention.
It is run by the Swedish artist Kerstin Lindstrom with the help of skilled knitters from many countries.
Glad av det röda, klara, mitt i den stora, gröna. Cirkeln som form och symbol. Garnet det varma, från fårets ull. Samvaron, mötet, musiken, det enkla, vardagliga, men så globalt och stort. Den grå klippan, som blir en scen, ett annat rum, en annan plats. Ett minne, att arv, en händelse, ett förflyttat nu.
Glad of the red, clear, right in the big, green. Circle as form and symbol. The yarn is hot, from sheep's wool. Being together, meeting, the music, the simple, everyday, but as global and huge. The gray rock, which becomes a stage, another place, another place. A memory, the legacy, an event, a moved now
Glad av det röda, klara, mitt i den stora, gröna. Cirkeln som form och symbol. Garnet det varma, från fårets ull. Samvaron, mötet, musiken, det enkla, vardagliga, men så globalt och stort. Den grå klippan, som blir en scen, ett annat rum, en annan plats. Ett minne, att arv, en händelse, ett förflyttat nu.
SvaraRaderaGlad of the red, clear, right in the big, green. Circle as form and symbol. The yarn is hot, from sheep's wool. Being together, meeting, the music, the simple, everyday, but as global and huge. The gray rock, which becomes a stage, another place, another place. A memory, the legacy, an event, a moved now