
Uplift - A life sound performance for 24 knitters and a cow horn at Almgrens Silkmill in Stockholm

Uplift/Landhöjning  a life sound performance with 24 knitters and cow horn. With Björn Eriksson http://www.fst.se/tonsattare/bjorn-eriksson  and Anna Lindkvist Adolfsson http://www.annalindkvistadolfsson.se/ . Thank you all knitters who participated this warm afternoon at Almgrens Silkmill in Stockholm 5th May 2018.
The performance was a part of the finissage for the nordic exhibition ”Far out Textil” at Almgrens. It ended a four-year long collaboration between Almgrens Silkmill and Fiber Art Sweden,  ”Siden och Samtid”.
The performance was supported by Region Västernorrland and KC-Nord.
photo: Leyun Weng

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