
Does Pythia live in Söråker? a knittingperformance

KonstART 20

The first KonstART of the year, Art Västernorrland's mobile meeting place, will be held in Söråker, Timrå municipality. We meet at Söråkers Folkets Hus. The purpose is to create meeting places for those active in the art field; artists, institutions, associations, collective workshops and more.

Date: February 17, 2020
Time: 6 pm to 8 pm
Location: Söråkers Folkets Hus, Folketshusvägen 10

The theme at KonstART 20 is the meeting of art with needlework, time and place. We get to meet the artist Kerstin Lindström, who talks about her projects with monumental knitting that started 10 years ago. It has been carried out in unique places in different countries in collaboration with a large number of participants. 

Those who wish are welcome in the evening to participate in "Does Pythia live in Söråker?" a knitting performance. Sign up  for participate until February 15 at  info@sorakersfolketshus.se.
More info in Swedish https://www.rvn.se/sv/Sarprofil-delplatser/volym/notiser/konstart-20/

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