
Copenhagen 14-16 mars, NTA Meeting

Nordic Textile Assosiation, www.nordictextileart.netwww.nordictextileart.net, NTA's annual meeting was held 
at the StatensVaerksteder for Kunst www.svfk.dk/ in Copenhagen March 14 to 16. 
from Statens Vaerksteder gave a tour of the amazing and inspiring premises.

During Saturday's program Ulrika Kullenberg from the Textile Museum in Borås spoke of the reopening of 
the museum which takes place May 23. www.boras.se/textilmuseet

The Knittingprojects Own our own time and Uplift were presented.

Julie Henriksen and Matilde Aggebo spoke about several of their public works. 
Visit at " The Black Diamond" and Tietgenkollegiet http://tietgenkollegiet.dk/.

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